Description of the second volume. (English version)

The second volume of Natasha Peterburzhskaya's works consists of a collection of poems written both in the Soviet Union in Leningrad and Moscow, and in the USA. Unlike the first volume, where children's poems occupy a very modest position, although two poems "Fair" and "Chizhik" cause absolute delight, in the second volume a whole large section, Memory of Childhood, is dedicated to children's poems. In addition, the second volume of poems continues the already familiar to the readers lyrical motives of nature (Autumn Sonatas), memories (From the Casket), where the great lyrical poem The City of Peter the First is dedicated to the marvelous creation of Peter the Great, Saint Petersburg. The next chapter Threads of Fate contains the amazing poem The Silver Age, dedicated to the remarkable and incredibly tragic era of Russian poetry of the early 20th century. And again, the great Saint Petersburg, the poem Summer Garden takes the reader to the era of the end of the 19th century with its charming dignity and respect for women. The chapter Sonnets of Love speaks for itself; it is about human relationships, and about love, and admiration of nature; in general, love it is both sonnets and sonatas. And then the chapter Episodes of Life, where there is an ode to Venice, and admiration for Paris and Amsterdam, smoothly flows into the Spiritual World of the writer, where the first lines are an ode to Anna Akhmatova, the great Russian poet of the 20th century. The second volume of the collected works ends with a chapter entitled Eyes Wide Shut, where anxiety and pain for our land, engulfed in the fires of war, do not allow the author to live and dream in peace, so the author turns to God, asking for advice.

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