The fifth volume of Natasha Peterburzhskaya's works continues a new chapter of her creativity. These are not poetic, this is prose works, but despite the use of a different language, the short stories are imbued with the same spirit of love as the poems. This fifth volume consist of 29 stories.
The first short story of the fifth volume of the collected works From the Bottom of My Soul, Portrait, tells of the tragic and at the same time sublime love of an artist. The ironic fantasy With Whom to Spend the Evening, consisting of three parts, sends the reader to the age of high art of music and fine literature and, of course, the poetic art of the author here, as always, is at its best.
And all the subsequent short stories of the fifth volume such as: It Was a Long Time Ago…; Happiness Is…; Something Freezes the Soul; Misanthrope; On the Other Side of the World; Accidental Fellow Traveler; Alexander; Palm Sunday; Father Frost; The Saga of the Kamarskys; Hotel with a Course; Brooch; Suburban Waltz; Associate Professor Nenashev; Mirage; Maiden Dreams; Second Wind; Natasha; On the Fortieth Day; On the Steps of My Memory; Character Is Destiny; Toxic Relationships;
Anniversary; Game of Imagination; A Dream on a Spring Night are permeated with the music of Natasha's poetic language.