The seventh volume of Natasha Peterburzhskaya's works continues a new chapter of her creativity - prose works, short stories, which Natasha called novellas. The seventh volume consists of 26 novellas. The seventh volume begins with the novella Temple at the Hospital, where the author tells an amazing story about the life of a simple church minister, who gives each parishioner a piece of his big heart. And then there's The Novel Has Overflowed Its Shores, Divine Providence, Autumn Rhapsody, Ocean of Misunderstanding, At the Foot of the Rotunda, Delayed Date, Forgotten Terrace, Smoky Modest Handkerchief, Ball of Hypocrisy, Postgraduate Student, Heritage of Everything Earthly, Planet of Errors, Short Story, Airship, Beginning, Forgotten Heart, God's Ways, Pluto and the Sun, Ugly, Equal Marriage, Biedermeier, On the Waves of Her Memory, The Soul Doesn't Know, Dreams Come True, Having Lied Once. What is surprising is that this collection of Natasha's short stories begins and ends with a story about a priest. In the first case, it is an Orthodox Christian, and in the second, a Catholic, but both the first story and the second are about how a person carries an unquenchable fire of love in his soul throughout his life, about how difficult and ambiguous life is, and how faith and love help to overcome all of life's hardships.